Groups and Committees

Learn about social groups and committees in our community! If you are interested in joining any of the groups or committees listed below or want to start something new, please contact the community manager.  

Social Media Groups

While all Social groups below are can be a valuable resource and place to connect with neighbors, they are not maintained or moderated by the HOA.


Plantation Subdivision Burleson, Tx

This Facebook page is a private group for residents to share general information, ask questions and get to know one another. 


Plantation BST 

This Facebook page is a private group for residents to Buy-Sale-Trade between neighbors. 


Plantation Bunco Babes

This Facebook page is a private group of neighborhood ladies of all ages who meet monthly in different homes for Bunco and other fun activities. Bring a beverage or food to share and $5 for bunco + $3 for LRC. You don’t need to know how to play. They will teach you!


If you are interested in joining or obtaining more information on any committee below, please reach out to Associa at  


Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

This committee is responsible for reviewing application requests for modifications to property exteriors to ensure they are within the guidelines set forth in the by-laws. Applications are submitted by residents through TownSq under Tools/Architectural Review. Committee members receive email notification to review requests. 

Social Committee

This committee coordinates a variety of activities throughout the year all ages, including community garage sales, Easter egg hunts, Christmas caroling, and more! Contact Committee Chair Joyce Serville at to get involved.


Communications Committee

This is a standing committee responsible for developing, updating, and monitoring the HOA’s communication channels to increase overall resident awareness and participation of activities. Currently utilizing TownSq, Facebook, website, and e-newsletters. 


Committee Wish List

Welcome Committee, Landscaping Committee, Neighborhood Watch


HOA of Planation Board of Directors (BOD)

The Board consists of five Directors who are elected for the term of two years. Directors are volunteers who live in Plantation and are elected by residents at the annual meeting every Fall. The Board is responsible for overseeing the business and budget of the association by working directly with the management company contracted to handle day to day tasks on the association’s behalf.  



Note:  It is resident’s responsibility to be registered on TownSq to stay advised to association business.