HOA Assessments
Homeowner Association (HOA) of Plantation annual assessments are due January 1st. Statements are mailed to homeowners in November.
Please log into TownSq for full access to the most up to date payment options.
Option 1 - Set up Automatic Bank Draft. Annual assessments can be drafted from your checking or savings account on January 3rd at no charge to you. Complete the ACH Direct Debit Form found in the TownSq resident portal and scan copy to csscdirectdebit@associa.us.
Option 2 – Use Online Bill Pay through your bank. This service is free or minimal fee at most banks.
Option 3 – Login into your TownSq account and pay online. Note, fees do apply. The HOA does not have control over the fees charged by our third-party vendor.
- pay by checking account there is a $2.95 transaction fee
- pay by debit/credit card there is a $2.95 transaction fee, plus an additional 3.5% of total charge
Option 4 – Mail check payable to HOA of Plantation to address listed on your statement. Please log into TownSq for all pertinent information related to how to pay.
Please mail in advance of the due date as receipt of payment can take longer than expected. Homeowners will be responsible for late fees if the check is received after January 5th. If you do not receive your statement prior to your due date, you are still required to make timely payments. Payments are processed more efficiently when accompanied by a coupon and mailed in the envelope provided.
Please refer to HOA of Plantation CC&R’s and By-Laws and State of Texas Property Owners' Associations Assessments and Foreclosure for more information.